Saturday, October 5, 2019

The Case of Cross-Border Chemicals Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

The of Cross-Border Chemicals - Case Study Example g weakness in the NAIOS treaty, and so the governments of Rantania, Aldor, and Pell put forward drafting a regional treaty on vital environmental concerns in this meeting. The biggest environmental issues involve pollution, protection of the endangered Red Crane, health and environmental effects of TCP, and food security. The issues are spread across all the states, with each state being affected with one or more of the issues. However, it is expected that all the issues will be resolved upon drafting and implementing the regional environmental treaty Firstly, the treaty will develop mechanisms and parameters that will define the boundaries that must not be crossed when it comes to these environmental issues. For instance, the use of TCP is beneficial to farmers because it increases yield, but excessive use will be curbed as much as possible. The treaty will define the boundaries and limits which when breached will call for appropriate action against the violators. Secondly, the treaty will define the course of action to be followed whenever the treaty’s terms are violated. For instance, what kind of measures will be taken against violators, and the procedures involved in adopting such measures. Finally, the treaty will define and explicitly state how future environmental issues will be addressed. It is important to note that this treaty is intended to solve current and future issues, and therefore will be dynamic and

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