Sunday, December 22, 2019

The goal of an architect is to design accordingly to the...

The goal of an architect is to design accordingly to the time with an understanding of the relationship between space and activity. In his essay Space and Events, Bernard Tschumi says, â€Å"There is no space without even, no architecture without program.† He then continues with, â€Å"Architecture cannot be dissociated from the events that ‘happen’ in it† (Tschumi, 139). Spaces have always been assimilated with past references, which create a type of familiarization and attachment to the past that prevents time from moving forward. Because of this assumption about the form, function, and meaning; thus architecture has been restricted by these familiarization and these assumptions. The history of architecture has been a history of styles. Through†¦show more content†¦Even though geographical diversity and intellectual pluralism has characterized architecture, it â€Å"does not mean that the attempt at discerning broader patterns and longer lines of development should be abandoned† (Curtis, 657). As time proceeds, styles and ideas change, and new paradigms arise, crystalizing the underlying concerns of that period. â€Å"In the inner recesses of the mind time is telescoped;† deriving from inspiration from the past while also considering the significance of modern space, old and new idea are combined resulting in new unexpected re sults (657). For example in the Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank, Foster abandons the usual notion of stacked floors around a central core and exploded open it to accommodate a vertical atrium at the center which provided a new vision of the work space (659). Another example is how Toyo Ito suggests that â€Å"the skin of a building might be thought of as a screen upon various lights and shadows are projected† (668).This followed Tschumi’s idea of â€Å"manipulation of the known with its implicit mannerism,† which is using things and simultaneously disbelieving in them (666). While understanding of the relationship between space and event, the architect must also design accordingly to the time. The influence of phenomenology creates a familiarization toShow MoreRelatedCommunity Architecture : Architecture And Architecture1695 Words   |  7 Pages What is ‘Community Architecture’? The ‘Community Architecture’ is kind of architectural practice between architects and users. Also, it can be described as architect follow the wish of users or community to design the building fit the requirement by using local materials and helps the residents to build the structure. 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