Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Importance Of Thanksgiving - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 1 Words: 404 Downloads: 9 Date added: 2019/03/29 Category Society Essay Level High school Tags: Thanksgiving Essay Did you like this example? The holidays are times for families who are spread across the United States and those around the world to come together and share laughs, memories, and stories. One of the holidays thats considered a favorite is Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving in families is a time for love, giving thanks, and the simple joy of being with family. Thanksgiving is considered a favorite because it allows people to spend time and visit their family. Thanksgiving is a chance for families to gather together, to feast and to enjoy being with one another. Being around family just provides a sense of calmness. When everyone are together, they are laughing, and just enjoying each other. The joyous and endless soundings of conversations combines to create a warm atmosphere during dinner. The love of a family is greater than any problem or circumstances that arise. The hours of preparing the food is worth being able to share a meal with others, and all the wonderful people in the family. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Importance Of Thanksgiving" essay for you Create order The love can be felt when everyone gathers to give thanks. Although there may be disagreements between the family, they could always stick together when they have to. Giving thanks is another reason Thanksgiving is considered a favorite. Although you pray and thank the Lord every night, giving thanks and being around the people you love while doing it makes it special. Before eating the Thanksgiving meal, the family prays over the food by joining hands and going around a circle direction and say what they are giving thanks for. Giving thanks shows how grateful you are for the smallest things in life like the beauty of the world to the things that are taken for granted such as air, healthy lifestyle and just the ability to see and hear around you. When families are together there is an electric that brings joy because theyre there. Celebrating Thanksgiving with family brings an excitement to everyone hearts. A family is always so positive and fun to be around, especially during the holidays. During Thanksgiving, most people do not have a single care in the world. The happiness is unexplainable as the days of Thanksgiving approaches. It is a feeling of freedom and just a relaxation from the everyday burdens of life. Families get full credit for what the younger children are today. Without their loving and caring spirits and personalities, many young children possibly may have not been on the right track.

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